Sunday, August 31, 2008

HELP... with a click

It's quite simple really. All you have to do is one - or both - of these two things:
  1. You have to care, and
  2. you have to click!
HOST is all about - and stands for - helping others. All the people we help are Etsians - either we know them; they are HOST members; they contact us themselves; or are referred to us by concerned and caring friends or Etsy colleagues. We (and by 'we', I mean the HOST team and those who support us) love what we do and wish constantly that we could do more. We are always looking for new ideas, suggestions, helpful links and resources, and promo ideas to raise funds to help with the ever-increasing need within the Etsy community.

We would however like to stretch the margins a little further. Many Etsians - HOSTies included - also have deep personal views about supporting worthy causes beyond the obvious. Some of us care deeply about environmental issues; some are dedicated to helping animals; others may support medical-related causes, helping to raise funds or awareness for diseases like cancers, for example. With this in mind, we have added a new feature to our team blog:

HELP... with a click.

All over this blog, we have pasted in links for six worthy, and essential causes that span and affect mankind around the globe. One, or all of these causes will mean something to every person who visits this blog. By searching our blog, you will identify link icons that attempt to address the following:
  1. Hunger
  2. Breast Cancer
  3. Child Health
  4. Literacy
  5. The Rainforest
  6. Animal Rescue

These are in no order of preference or importance, since they are all equally worthy and relevant causes to each of us. Please, help HOST to expand outside the Etsy margins and do more good in arenas that matter to all of us: look for these icons every day and CLICK TO HELP! Choose one icon that has special meaning for you - or choose all of them! Whichever you choose, the important thing is that YOUR CLICKS WILL COUNT!!!

Thank you :)


Saturday, August 30, 2008

This Labor Day Weekend

It's all happening this weekend folks! We have quite a few busy HOSTies out and about and some running for cover...

Our Cat of catiahades is at the Bellevue Labor Day Festival in Bellevue, Idaho. In the run up to this event, Cat ran several promotions in the Etsy forums inviting sellers to send her their promotional material. She collective some fabulous items and prepared some really exciting promo packs with mixed goodies to offer for sale at the event this weekend, with all proceeds coming to HOST to be used to help Etsians in need! Fantastic idea Cat - we are really proud of you for coming up with it and putting in all the work to collect and collate the promo packs. In addition to the promo packs, Cat will have her Etsy shop range of signature kitsch jewellery and items including her super fun, and funky-shaped crayons!

Our Kara of CoryellDesign has a stall at Koneheta Park in Murphy, NC, for the Labor Day Heritage Festival Arts and Crafts Show - follow this link for detailed information and timetable . When she is not enjoying ice cream, buggy rides, funky music, or rescuing her beloved dog pack from the nearby 'cooling off' stream, Kara will hopefully be busy gift-wrapping for the sales fairy! CoryellDesign offers delicious jewellery incorporating fabulous gemstones, to suit a range of budgets.

And our Mother and Daughter team of Serenity from Cornucopias, and !Spring from yodamoon will be holding down a stall at this weekend's ArT the Beach event at The Lincoln City Cultural Center, OR. Follow this link for more information about this 2-day event: If you are in the area, stop by and check out this friendly family stall for beads, jewellery, and handmade clothing including !Spring's (fabulous, fabulous, fabulous!) signature bloomers.

In contrast to these HOSTies, our Maggie of CrochetMaggie is staying firmly put at home with her family in Denham Springs, LA, where they are bracing themselves for the approaching hurricane Gustav. Maggie has had a busy time - as have so many others - running around preparing for the arrival of Gustav and stocking up on essential supplies. Maggie, everyone at HOST is hoping Gustav will just *pouf* and disappear leaving you all safe and sound. We are all praying, or lighting candles - whatever happens to be our thing - for you and for all those others nervously waiting to see what sort of mood Gustav arrives in... Warm, safe wishes to everyone in Gustav's path - we hope you, your friends, your families, your homes, and your businesses will come through unscathed and safe...


Thursday, August 28, 2008


Some of our members are awfully clever with their crafting and make the most delightful things for their Etsy shops but sadly, sometimes life just gets in the way and they really don't have the time to dedicate to promoting their shops - though ironically, they need the income from Etsy to help raise or support family members and kids. One such HOST member is Bee, of supermomma45. Even though Bee is currently working a 7 day week, it is still tough raising her two sons and equipping them for the return to school.

With all the flurry about helping each other to get adverts together for Project Wonderful promotions on this team blog amongst other places, it seems that a couple of HOSTies recently came up with the cunning plan of escalating their Project Wonderful scheming to another level, and helping to overhaul certain HOST member shops that were badly in need of TLC, and a bit of a re-vamp. This was something the shop owners simply did not have the time to do themselves but these two mischievous miscreants approached the sellers in question for permission to break into their shops, ferret around and generally turn things upside down and leave them unrecognisable - but in a good way, of course!

This last weekend, the first HOST Extreme Makeover took place with much stealth and quite a significant amount of giggles... Our lovely Bee's supermomma45 shop was the first to be ransacked and in their path, our dastardly schemers left a trail of a fabulous new banner, new avatar, shop announcement, shop policies and profile. They renamed every item, optimised all the item tags and tweaked and rewrote item descriptions - leaving their signature humour along the way. The listings were renewed, with newly prettified main images and a small cash reserve deposited in the seller's PayPal account for maintenance of the shop fees and hopefully to fund the purchase of additional supplies so that new pieces can be created in time for the approaching holiday season.

Supermomma45 is now a shop with serious attitude, as well as seriously great items to tempt you. We highly recommend you take a look... What you will find is Stained glass. No nonsense. Although, there may still be a few giggles lying around in there, so do be careful, won't you?!

Rumour has it that another HOST target has already been identified, so it is likely that you will see further reports of this rampant and frivolous pair breaking in and causing delightful havoc in their wake!



Don't make me turn this car around - Herbie Love Bug stained glass sun catcher - by supermomma45

A pumpkin is not just for the holidays - spooky stained glass pumpkin sun catcher - by supermomma45

You'd better not pout - stained glass Santa Claus sun catcher - by supermomma45


Treasured moments - by mcnovelties

Here is a fun collection of items from HOST members and the HOST shop...
An early Autumn greeting, curated by me, in my mcnovelties ID :)
Click on the image for a larger view, or follow this Etsy link while it is still active:

Treasured moments - by Lor2507

Currently one of our new members, Lor2507, and her family are having rather a stressful time as Lor's husband undergoes a series of medical tests - all of which are proving expensive when this family also has two young daughters to look after. Lor is one tough cookie though and stays remarkably positive through these difficult times... She has been sorting through her crafting supplies and listing destash items in her shop to raise some extra funds, and still found time to compile this wonderful treasury of HOST member items. What a girl! We are all glad to know you Lor :)

Click on the image for a larger view.


Newly HOSTed

We at HOST would like to give the warmest of welcomes to some new members who have recently joined the team!
Hugs and welcome to the girls from * nativetalismanart * lisianblue2 * lor2507 * bagsbymelanie * and * downthestreet *
We are delighted to have you ladies on board and look forward to chatting and getting to know you better in the weekly HOST chat thread...
See you all in there!!
Below are a few goodies that you will find in our lovely new members' Etsy shops - why not take a peek?
Buffalo dance dream ACEO - by nativetalismanart

Knit your own socks book - by lisianblue2

Indoor/outdoorpaints - by Lor2507

Cosmetic set - - by bagsbymelanie

Retro bubbles apron - by downthestreet


Monday, August 18, 2008

HOSTing Project Wonderful!

We are delighted to be able to feature two new Project Wonderful advertisement boxes on our team blog...

Our previously central 'HHH' column - HOST Helping Hands - has relocated to the left hand column of the blog. It has been converted into a 'PW HOSTed' section with the new ad-box in pride of place. Approval for these ads is set on a bid-by-bid basis because we have reserved them for Etsians who need help with exposure for their shops, or who need sales more urgently than others. Please click through to these shops - there are so many little treasures to be discovered!

The centre column of our blog now houses our paid ad-box 'PW HOSTed too'. All the advertisement spaces in this box are currently for sale at $0.10 per day, and ALL proceeds accumulated from this ad-box go to HOST to be used to provide basic financial assistance to Etsians in need. Please click on these ads and help support our advertisers, who are all helping to support HOST and the wider Etsy community! We would like to thank you, our advertisers - and our visiting readers - for your generosity, and for helping us to serve our fellow Etsians to better effect.

This column also features Etsy minis for HOST, HOST members and Etsians we are currently helping... The HOST shop is stocked with items that are donated by generous Etsy sellers, and the proceeds from sales in our HOST shop all go towards helping us fulfill our HOST mission... If you would like to donate an item to HOST, just convo us through the shop and we will walk you through what is needed.

Thank you!


Treasured moments - by Reflections

This is the latest treasury from HOSTie Maria of Reflections...
Take a look - we think it is quite "charming" :)
Click on the image for a larger view, of follow this Etsy link while it is still active:

Newly HOSTed

HOST is growing and we are very excited to be able to welcome these new members: Amanda and Sarah from the Dragon's Den - aka dragon06 - and Kathy - aka justkathy01.

Kathy joined Etsy as a potential buyer but we may have inspired her to dust off her creative skills and hopefully soon open her own Etsy shop! She crochets; she paints; and she has always had a desire to make jewellery, so we can't wait to see what she comes up with for her shop! Watch this space...

Amanda and Sarah are old hands on Etsy (we mean that in the nicest possible way, girls!) and offer yummy soaps, candles, and treats for furries in their shop at This is just a 'taster' of what you will find when you visit them:

Scrumptious chocolate mint votives

Thursday, August 14, 2008

It seems we are HOSTing a poet!

Well, here is something rather special, from one of our HOSTies who, it seems, has been holding out on us! We would like to share with you this fabulous poem, penned by our HOSTie Terra of and

Terra is one of our lovely, steady HOSTies, who brings calm and comfort to all with warm and genuine friendship. She is appreciated by everyone who has the good fortune to know her, and as we get to know her better, we see her wonderful sense of humour shining through - particularly in this example of her hidden talent as a poet (only it's not so hidden now, is it?!)

We hope you will enjoy this delightful poem as much as we all did...


I looked in the mirror and what did I see
OMG 4 grey hairs staring back at me
Not from my hairline, where the rest of them be
But from my eyebrows standing wild and free
Should I pluck them or just leave them be?
If I remove them and each is replaced by 4
And I remove those – OMG that’s 64!
This proves I’m getting old, much older than before
With wrinkles, sags, and grey hair by the score
Aches and pains, creaks and cripes, could I say more
I look in the mirror and what do I see
Why it’s my Grandmother staring back at me
A woman admired as wise and gentle as can be
Filled with stories, fun times and secrets to keep
Making gifts and cookies and letting tea steep
Could I be her – that woman I know
My Best Friend from long ago
Who taught me to read, do math, craft and sew
I can only pray I’m as inspiring and know
I can pass my wisdom on and still grow
I looked in the mirror and what did I see
Those 4 grey hairs still staring back at me
I’ll deal with them tomorrow and let them be
I have places to go and people to see
So I’ve gotten older which is oh so true
I can be a mother to all, and grandma to few
Not gonna fret about it, not gonna stew
Am just gonna be happy with all that I do

Terra has two fabulous Etsy shops... is where you will find practical crocheted bathroom and kitchen accessories; clever little crocheted finger buddies for those of you with arthritic, or rheumatic problems in your digits; darling dresses and outfits for your little people; and even more precious Afghan wraps for your even smaller precious people!

S P E C I A L: be quick because Terra is currently offering $10 off all of her toddler dresses from now until August 17th - that's this Sunday! New items are on the way and storage space is needed, so this is a wonderful opportunity to snap up a super cute bargain for the little princess in your life :) is where Terra lists her gorgeous roll pillow covers. These are beautifully made, in an array of the prettiest fabrics, so go check them out! Tired of getting a crick in your neck from reading in bed? You need a roll pillow - every bed should have at least one... and Terra knows just how to cover them :)

Fabulous Atumnal chocolate spice roll pillow cover -

Treasured moments - by Reflections and maisyh

Seems Maria and I were the lucky ones in the right place at the right time today as we managed to score these new HOSTie treasuries - yay! Maria of Reflections went 'green' and I caught two more for my series of Helping Hands compilations. Here they are for you to enjoy...

Click the image for a larger view, or follow this Etsy link while it is still active:
Curated by Maria from
Curated by maisyh

Curated by mcnovelties

Oh, and don't forget to check out Maria's Etsy shop! She makes gorgeous embroidered pillowcases, tote bags, and bag socks (I just got my custom order bag socks from her today, and I LOVE them! Every kitchen should have a Reflections bag sock in pride of place :)

Monday, August 11, 2008

Congrats and adoration!

Congratulations to our HOSTie adorationsoap who was recently featured on the Etsy front page in this super treasury... That's our Adoration's scrumptious 'kumquat' soap, third row, centre!

There are always new scents (oops, almost said 'flavours'!!) in the making, so remember to heart this HOSTie and visit regularly - your skin will be glad you did!

Newly HOSTed

The HOSTies are so delighted to welcome another new member to the team: Krystle of dkjewels . Well, technically, it's TWO new members because Krystle will be having baby number three in a very short time, so currently, HOSTie junior is also along for the ride (aw, extra hugs!!).

Not only is Krystle soon to have her baby but she is also keeping a brave and positive face on what has not been an easy pregnancy... In addition to managing various complications and needing to get a lot of much needed rest, Krystle and her family are about to move into their dream house - yay!

Currently, between resting; being a wife; being a Mum to her two other kids; packing up the house, and sorting through the endless to-do list for the new home, Krystle is also having a sale in her Etsy shop!!! She is trying to raise some much needed funds for utilities and settling into the new home as comfortably as possible because once junior makes his entrance, she will pretty much have her hands full.

If you don't already know Krystle's shop, you simply MUST check it out! She makes the most divine earrings, and in addition to offering some amazing deals right now, any purchases will be received with great appreciation since the funds will go towards the new home, or to purchase baby items for dkjewels junior. Here is just a taster of what you will find in Krystle's shop: fuschia flower earrings from dkjewels - check out the shop announcement for more info about current special offers!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Newly HOSTed

We at HOST are truly delighted to welcome four new members in to the team. We are delighted to have you join us ladies, and we very much look forward to getting to know you :)

So our readers and HOST members can find out a little more about you, here are a few items from each of our new members' Etsy shops... Go on in and nose around as there are plenty more goodies where these came from! You will find the shop links under each item... Gorgeous 'fruit of the vine' cluster earrings by new HOSTie, Maru of wiremeup Nostalgic Victorian necklace by new HOSTie, Carol of beadsandpieces Too cute terrycloth dog robe by new HOSTie pamperedpoochboutiqu

Treasured moments - by lazybuttpants

Ah, our most illustrious, highly charged and deeply motivated HOST President herself - the notorious lazybuttpants - has curated this colourful treasury... Proving quite resoundingly that the age old saying is completely true: it really is hip to be square! (Hmm, I feel a song coming on...) Please turn up the volume and enjoy:

Click for a detailed view, or follow this Etsy link while it is still active:

Should there be any lazy butts in your household, you really should visit our Brenda's Presidential shop at to ensure you keep your own LB's suitably clothed :)

Treasured moments - by FickleFaerie

Our Tinkerbell HOSTie June has struck again with a gorgeous, colourful new treasury! Lots of HOSTies are featured in this rainbow selection - we hope you enjoy it...

Click for a detailed view, or follow this Etsy link while it is still active:

And don't forget to visit June's lovely etsy shop at for all sorts of practical, indispensible, and eco-friendly bags (I have them all over the house - a million uses for these once you discover them!!).

Treasured moments - by catiahades

We at HOST would like to formally apologise for this treasury, curated by our HOSTie Catia. Viewing it will more than likely add pounds to your circumference, so this treasury carries a "HOST scooby snack warning". Go for it if you are feeling brave - and we sincerely hope that your fridge is well stocked to help you through the post-viewing experience!!

Click on the image for a detailed view, or follow this Etsy link while it is still active:

If you can find it in your hearts to forgive Catia, please also check out her super fun shop at
There is nothing edible in there but still plenty of fun pieces to tempt you!

Treasured moments - by Reflections

We hope our readers will enjoy this 'timeless' treasury, curated by our HOSTie Maria of Reflections:

Click on the image for a detailed view, or follow this Etsy link while it is still active:

And remember to check out Maria's own Etsy shop for pretty but practical bag socks; stylish market totes; and beautiful embroidered pillow cases:

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Treasured moments - by FireAndIceDesigns

Thank you to Michelle of FireAndIceDesigns for this cool, shiny treasury full of HOSTie shops! Check them out...
Click on the image for a larger view, or follow this Etsy link while it is still active:

And don't forget to wander through FireAndIceDesigns' Etsy shop for stunning glass lampwork jewellery, amazing chainmaille pieces and beautiful sculpted glass candle holder - amongst other things!

Treasured moments - by Mimi2Kiki

Can you tell that HOSTie Mishy had fun putting together this super 'moody' treasury? And the best part is that since the screenshot is posted here, you can enjoy it at any time of the month!!

Click for a larger image, or follow this Etsy link while it is still active:

Treasured moments - by ChristianPress

Holy moly, the team is awash with fabulous new treasuries!
Check this golden list by HOSTie Michelle of

Click on the image for a larger view, or follow this Etsy link while it's still active:
And take a look around the curator's shop where you will find Christian themed T-shirts and glass pendants: ChristianPress.

Treasured moments - by catiahades

Ok, these little guys may not actually be furry but they sure are cute and cuddly :) Take a wander through this fun treasury from HOSTie Catia... There's a super dream horse from our HOSTie Mary (aka acorngirl), and a beautiful felted cat portrait by HOSTie PitBullLadyDesigns:

Click on the image for a larger view, or follow this Etsy link while it is still active:
...and don't forget to check out the curator's own super fun Etsy shop at :)

Treasured moments - by vidia2be

Better put the aircon on to view this latest offering... A new treasury from HOSTie vidia2be:-

Click on the image for a larger view, or follow this Etsy link while it is still active:
And if you think this is too hot to handle without suitable precautionary and protective measures, our HOSTie Terra from crochets a mean oven mitt... (ok, so as links go, that was a little tenuous but Terra really does crochet great oven mitts - lol - check out her shop!).

Monday, August 4, 2008

An inspiration to HOST

We would like to thank Heather of for quoting HOST members as the inspiration behind this, her latest painting, newly listed in her Etsy shop... We are so flattered, and so delighted to have you on the team, Heather!

Evidently HOST is quite an inspiration!

These candle holders are another super creation from vidia2be!

Treasured moment - by FickleFaerie

Our favourite faerie has struck again with another super treasury in lovely soft aqua and sage tones... Thank you June! Here it is for our readers to enjoy:-

Click on the image for a more detailed view, or follow this Etsy link while it is still active:
(curated by FickleFaerie)

Treasured moments - with the whole family?!

Some HOSTies love Etsy so much that their whole family is involved!! I thought this treasury was such a super idea... Our HOSTie acorngirl is featured - and so is hubby-of-acorn - and so is son-of-acorn - HOW COOL IS THAT?! Check it out:-

Click on the image for a more detailed view, or follow this link while it is still active on Etsy:
Thoughtfully curated by woodmosaics, who clearly has quite a sense of humour!

Hubby is top left; our acorngirl HOSTie is top centre; and her son is top right :)

Treasured moments - by... Me!

Doggedly pursuing my 'promotion by saturation' strategy, I was delighted to snag these next two treasuries in my HOSTies 'Helping Hands' series - yay! That's eight more HOSTies in the spotlight! I hope you will enjoy them:-
Click on the image for a more detailed view, or follow this link while it is still active:
(curated by maisyh)

(curated by mcnovelties)

Good luck girls... wouldn't a front page of HOSTies be nice?

Treasured moments with friends - like cynmb

We HOSTies have many great Etsy friends but amongst them, cynmb (Etsy Angel and avid EFA/AWBAR supporter) is a great favourite. This lovely Etsian recently snagged treasuries in which she thoughtfully featured some of the HOSTies...

Not only does cyn have impeccable taste and make * gorgeous * treasuries but we were surprised and delighted to find ourselves included with such wonderful, talented Etsy company. Have a look and enjoy:-

(click on the image for a more detailed view)

(click on the image for a more detailed view)

cynmb also helps the HOST members promote sellers and good causes across the Etsy community. cyn, you and your constant help are so appreciated. We hope you know that we all consider you an 'honorary' HOSTie :) Thank you from us all!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Treasured moments - by FickleFaerie

Our lovely HOSTie June - maker of fabulous reusable, fabric gift and produce bags (and I can personally testify as to the fabulousness of said bags!), has managed to snag another HOST treasury!

This time, our FickleFaerie has featured items from HOST members who will be participating in tonight's SNS - so cool! Thank you so much June, and good luck to you and to all of us taking part. I know we are all hoping for a great night so that we can raise some serious funds for HOST to use to help other Etsians struggling with difficult times... Enjoy it, people!

* click on the treasury for a more detailed view *
Click to view this treasury on Etsy while it remains active:
Check out our June's other great items in her Etsy shop:

Front page HOSTie - TweedleBee

Congratulations and hugs to our HOSTie Toni who was featured in a front page treasury today - woohoo! Here it is, for those of you who missed it:-

* click on the treasury for a more detailed view *

You can check out Toni's fantastic, fun quited goodies in her Etsy shop:

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