Lesson 6 - Stumble Upon
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In many ways, StumbleUpon is very similar to Digg. Users rate content based on how valuable they find it and if they think others will want to know about and learn from it. In order to get the most out of StumbleUpon, make sure that the content that you are sharing is valuable, that your site is worthy of a thumbs up and that you spend time providing feedback and thumbs up to sites you value as well.Here are a few tactics that you can use to maximize your StumbleUpon efforts for your business.
1) Take the time to complete your profile thoroughly. Your profile helps the StumbleUpon database identify which niches are of most interest to you and what you will likely have to offer visitors. Furthermore, when someone clicks on your profile, you want them to have a sense of who you are and what you are interested in.
2) Install the StumbleUpon tool bar and review sites that are of interest to you. This toolbar is how sites get added to the database and it also alerts your StumbleUpon friends when you have added new content.
3) Be active. Stumble around, add links, review sites and give thumbs up. Remember to reciprocate and thank the people who stumble you.
4) Diversify. Add content regularly and add photos, video and audio as well. The more diversified and interesting your content is the more traffic you will receive.
StumpleUpon is a proven method of increasing website traffic and increasing the visibility of your business. In time, and with a good strategy, you too will reap the rewards of being an active member in StumbleUpon.
Next time...learn about creating Squidoo lenses and how they can positively impact your business.
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