This treasury showcases just a few of these wonderful shops, so please have a look through the thread and check out the rest - there are so many great stores with beautiful items waiting to be discovered!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Etsy treasures - by LAOriginals
This treasury showcases just a few of these wonderful shops, so please have a look through the thread and check out the rest - there are so many great stores with beautiful items waiting to be discovered!
Etsy treasures - by Reflections
One of our HOST members - Maria of Reflections - started a 'help' thread in the Etsy forums, asking for Etsians to come forward and post if they needed help this Holiday Season. The response has already been phenomenal, with many Etsians posting their needs, and others posting their offers of support and good wishes.
Many people have already been helped and the thread is ongoing, so please check it out and witness something truly uplifting, as the Etsy community come together to help spread a little cheer in difficult times:
Reflections also managed to curate this lovely treasury showcasing sellers who need help, and others who have helped :)

Click this Etsy link while the treasury remains active:
...and don't forget to check out the curator's lovely shop for beautiful hand-embroidered items:
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
HOST milestones
More importantly, the money we've raised has allowed us to offer monetary support to Etsy sellers who are struggling to pay their Etsy fees, coping with serious illnesses and facing unexpected expenses. By donating our time, marketing ideas and photoshop skills, we've helped many others make sales and actively promote their shops.
Please consider stopping by the HOST shop so that we may continue to help our fellow Etsians in the coming months. Thank you for all of your support!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Little trinkets
Adorable Wrislet by Bags by Melanie
Many talents
Felted Purse with Palomino by Pit Bull Lady Designs
All of these items would make great gifts. Please check back tomorrow for more gift ideas!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Busy time of year
If you'd like to visit with us, please stop by the Etsy forums to say hello!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Fun, festive gift ideas - part 10
Enjoy these fabulous shops!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Fun, festive gift ideas - part 9
These gift showcases will stop at #12, so get shopping everyone!!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Fun, festive gift ideas - part 8
The number '8' is considered to be extremely lucky in Chinese culture; I hope that makes this a lucky showcase for the sellers featured! There are some lovely items here folks - and more in the stores where these all came from, so be sure and investigate all the shop links below...
Click for a larger view.
Featured sellers:
Have fun and happy shopping, everyone!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Fun, festive gift ideas - part 7
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Fun, festive gift ideas - part 6
Click for a larger view.
Featured sellers:
- articulations
- teostudio
- sobeaditjewelry
- desera21
- irishgirldesigns
- adorablebaby
- ohfaro
- lor2507
- skinznhydez
- coramarieboutique
- traveltimecrafts
- justbeaded
- designsbyone
- hairtiesgalorenmore
- spiffingjewelry
- holidayprimitives
...and there will be another showcase on the way very soon folks, so make sure you are following this blog to keep up with the latest finds and ideas!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Fun, festive gift ideas - part 5
See you there!
And watch for part 6 - to be published right here tomorrow...
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Fun, festive gift ideas - part 4
Here is part 4! We want to hear from any sellers who get sales from these showcases - and if you make a purchase, then we want to hear about it too! Leave us your updates in the comments section after this post.
This time, we have also included a couple of sellers who do a lot to promote and help others on Etsy, both individually and as part of HOST, so we thought we'd give a little shout out for their shops too :)

Click for a larger view.
Featured sellers:
- elel
- designedwithglass
- shelialk
- lor2507
- uniquethreads
- dkjewels
- rebeccaaccessories
- wildlifer78
- cassowaryjewelry
- skinznhydez
- teaman
- mavalili27
- natesmom119
- soulinchains
- getartnow
- tributary
HOST is spreading a little support and friendship this holiday season and hoping to help out those who really need it. If you know of any Etsy sellers who could really use a helping hand, then please go post their shops links in this Etsy forum thread and we will include them in one of our gift showcases:
Fun, festive gift ideas - part 3
Some really cute items and shops for you to investigate... and part 4 is just around the corner!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Fun, festive gift ideas - part 2
There have been a few threads on Etsy recently for sellers in need to promote their stores and hopefully attract some sales to help them through the holiday season. Following on from that, a HOST member started this thread this morning:, inviting sellers in need to link their Christmas or gift items.
The resulting post on that member's blog - Fun, festive gift ideas - part 1 - was posted this afternoon: and the series of gift guides featuring sellers in need will alternate between here: and this HOST blog...
Do check out part 1 as there are great items and Etsy stores to discover! And just in case you are struggling for more ideas, here is part 2:-

Click on the image for a larger view.
Featured sellers:
- arretsplace
- teostudio
- debs1967
- laurieryan
- georgiamarbles
- melysclaycreations
- lacravatteduchien
- luvmymonkeys
- needlesup
- knitrgal
- ficklefaerie
- greenfieldsoaps
- craftsbycarer
Watch for part 3, coming soon to a monitor near you :)
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Helping to showcase sellers in need
This new treasury was compiled on behalf of HOST, to showcase sellers in need this Festive Season.... If you are Christmas shopping on Etsy, please do check out these shops! These sellers have a lot to offer and as you will see from the treasury, the items were carefully chosen with prices to suit most budgets.
Featured sellers
Main list:
Monday, November 3, 2008
Indulge your inner fairy
HOST is feeling loved!
Not only has one of our HOSTies, Dee, of TheGypsyJewels been singing our praises on her blog - - and in the Etsy forums - - but she has also decided that she will donate 25% of the proceeds from her SALE for HOST to use to help Etsians in need!!
Now do you see why HOST is feeling loved right now?!
Check out Dee's SALE - it applies to both her shops: TheGypsyJewels and AllWiredUpTOO and runs from today, until December 24 2008. You will find lovely beads, jewellery findings and other supplies, as well as jewellery pieces that Dee has designed and created herself.
Good luck Dee - we wish you many sales!!! (No, really, we wish you lots, and lots, and LOTS!!!)
A helping hand from a wonderful Etsian!
We posted a plan inviting Etsians to use their business resources (blog, shop announcement, mailing lists, free Project Wonderful advertising) to help others and started posting this on HOST member blogs, and inviting people in these forum threads to join in and spread the word. The objective is to let all of Etsy know the issues because there will be buyers out there who will still have the means to purchase and help ease some of the troubles of others.
Having bumped the threads and the plan through the day, we received a convo from Melanie, of GreenfieldSoaps on Etsy with the most AMAZING wonderful offer! Funds are pretty scarce for Melanie too but she has very kindly offered to convert both side columns on her personal blog - - into free advertising for Etsy sellers in need!!!
All you have to do is convo Melanie via her Etsy store, GreenfieldSoaps, with the HTML code for your Etsy mini and she will start posting them in the side columns of her blog as she receives them. The format should be 'thumbnail' size, 2 columns by 2 rows. Go for it people! This is a fabulous offer and it will help with extra exposure for the stores that really need it.
We would like to express our sincerest thanks to Melanie for her incredible generosity of spirit!!Please don't forget to also check out Melanie's own Etsy store: GreenfieldSoaps . She would also much appreciate any sales and you will find that she offers a wonderful range of handmade soaps and scented fizzy bath bombs...
Sunday, November 2, 2008
How can you help those in need?
Well a couple of sniffs later, I found myself feeling thoroughly depressed by the number of folk in so much financial and personal difficulty; it's awful year round but somehow it seems worse at this time of year, especially if kids are involved... I only just had the thought yesterday: "OMGosh, Christmas is literally around the corner now!"
Then I got to thinking well, I can't buy everything from everyone, and I can bump the thread to try and help get these shops noticed but well, I'd like to try and do more... So here's the plan. It's just a little plan and I can't guarantee it will work but we don't know until we try - and you can get involved with no cost to yourselves other than a little time and effort for people who will really appreciate it.
- Most of you readers and Etsians have blogs, so start running a 'help' feature. Even if you just choose one shop, or one item from a few shops and blog it, you might help those guys towards some much needed sales.
- Start a little 'help' section in your sidebars: add a few Etsy minis for shops that really NEED the exposure!
- Tell your friends and readers about these guys and link the Etsy thread(s) for them to read and scroll through the different shops. We all have different tastes and wishlists: chances are your pals will find items they won't be able to resist!
- Stalk those treasuries! Not just the main treasury but the treasury west too! Forget just making pretty ones in perfect coordinated colours, or clever choices of unusual things from your favourites: just pick shops who are in need!! If you run out of shops from the forum thread(s) that inspired this, go to POUNCE and pick only stores that are waiting for their first sale!
- Tell your Street Teams! Get your team-mates on board - get them bumping threads; get them treasury stalking, get them blogging this too!
- Add even one shop referral to your shop announcements - just pick one seller that is in need so your own buyer traffic will see it.
- Have you got FREE ad spaces? Invite bids from sellers in need.
- If they don't have ads they can use, can you spend a few minutes turning their avatars into ads for them while they go open their PW accounts and bid?
- Do you donate to childrens' charities for Christmas? Well our Etsians in need have kids... give to them!
- Do you donate to animal charities? These Etsians have beloved pets that need feeding and caring for too! And don't forget, you can choose AWBAR and EFA on Etsy for your donations or purchases!
- Do you donate to medical charities? These Etsians have serious illnesses - or their children or other family members do - and they are struggling with medical bills. Why not donate to them through purchases from their shops? Remember, there are Etsians who support charities by donating part of their shop sales proceeds... search them out on Etsy and shop, shop, SHOP!!!
We see so many discussion in the forums about how Etsy doesn't advertise itself and how it relies on US to promote it to help ourselves... Well let's pull together now and help promote each other! We are a pretty big team of creative people - I'm sure there will be others out there who will get to thinking what they can do to bring a little festive cheer to those in need. What is that expression about "six degrees of separation"? Well, let's apply it to Etsy for the holidays and see what we can achieve.
My next stop is to post a forum thread on Etsy where you can all post to let everyone know a) what are you doing to help? and b) if you were able to make a purchase from one of these sellers in difficulty, come show us what you bought, so we can all cheer for you and the seller :) And one more thing: when you post in the new thread, let everyone know if you are open to TRADES. People have few resources but they may happen to have just the thing you need, so be open minded about approaching your Christmas shopping this year and consider trades!
Here is the thread that inspired this post:
And here is my new thread where you can come let us know what you are doing to help:
Thank you all so much for reading all this and thank you even more for anything you do to help these guys out :)
PS - I am posting the same thing on my other personal blogs: and
PPS - It doesn't matter that they will read the same, it's the message that is important and it's another opportunity to reach more readers, who can spread the word. Feel free to copy and paste this post into your own blogs - just use it and adapt it for yourselves, I don't mind - just get the message out - now - PLEASE!!!
PPPS - (last one I promise!) Remember that ALL PROCEEDS FROM HOST STORE SALES ARE USED TO HELP ETSIANS IN NEED - so feel free to donate to our store, or top up our team funds by purchasing something because we will use the money for this same cause!
Friday, October 24, 2008
ACEO contest
HOST recently held an ACEO contest - open to all of Etsy to participate and show off their creativity - with the ACEOs submitted being submitted to the HOST store to be offered for sale!
Art Card, Editions and Originals (ACEOs) are art miniatures commonly used for trade or sale between artists. The only standard requirement for an ACEO is that its height and width measurements be 2.5 x 3.5 inches (64 x 89 mm); and they can be of either vertical (portrait) or horizontal (landscape) orientation. The sky is the limit for every other aspect of this art!
The FIRST PLACE artist who gets the most votes will win a $10.00 gift credit to the Host store, or a PayPal payment of $10.00 to their account. The SECOND and THIRD place artists will receive super awesome HOST goody promo bags that are stuffed with all kinds of wonderful items!
Participating artists submitted their entries by uploading photographs of their ACEO to the HOST flickr group at and sent listing details for their entry to the HOST store for listing.
This contest has now closed, and below are the entries that were received, together with the link to their listing in the HOST store, where you can read more details about each ACEO. You can VOTE for your FIRST, SECOND and THIRD choices by leaving a comment after this post, or by convoing the HOST store...
#1. Memories - by allaboutthebuttons

#6. Pink Goddess by LDphotography
We would like to thank everyone who participated in this competition for their help and support of HOST :) Good luck everyone!!! The results will be collated and published here this Sunday/Monday... so watch this space!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Welcome, HOST baby!
HOST members start younger and younger these days! This is our latest tiny new pair of hands... Please meet * Trystan Liam * who was born by caesarean section on 15 September 2008 at 8:12am. Trystan weighed in at 7lbs 4oz and judging from his contented smile, he is very happy to be here! Can we all say "awww"?!
Trystan's Mum is Krystle, or you may know her better as dkjewels . Krystle is doing well and you will be happy to hear that she has now reopened her Etsy store, selling her beautiful earrings. There are new designs listed already, and with so many bits and pieces needed for little Trystan, now would be a great time to check out the new additions to the dkjewels collection...
Evergreen and snow earrings -

Golden pumpkins -
Congratulations to Krystle and family on the safe arrival of gorgeous little Trystan; and what an adorable little bundle he is too!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Mama and baby competition - the results!
Thank you to everyone who joined in the voting for this, our first HOST competition, and special thank you to all those members who participated and donated their creations for sale in the HOST store. As with all HOST sales, the proceeds will go to help Etsians in need, so your shopping with HOST goes even further!
This is the moment you have all been waiting for (music, maestro, please)... In THIRD place, dancing dragonfly earrings by maisyh:
In JOINT SECOND place, super cute lavender baby beanie by CrochetMaggie:
Follow this link to purchase from HOST:
and this adorable bib by DownTheStreet:
Follow this link to purchase from HOST:
And finally... the moment you have all been waiting for... in FIRST place, this fabulous pumpkin hat by Knitrgal:
This cute hat has already sold but if you would like one, you can visit Knitrgal's fabulous Etsy shop, or convo her for a custom order -
HURRAH!!! Congratulations to the winners, and to all of you who participated. The voting was super close and made even harder by the wonderful quality and range of the entries :)
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
HOT Birthday SALE
Our HOSTie Michelle of FireAndIceDesigns is having a Birthday this month - on 19 October 2008.
To celebrate, Michelle is offering an amazing 25% off all orders until her Birthday on 19 October.
Sounds to me like all our Birthdays just came at once, so get over to Michelle's store and get gift shopping!!
Absolutely gorgeous NEW soft turquoise glass lotus flower votive candle holder and soapdish SET from FireAndIceDesigns
The first HOST members' competition closed yesterday, 30 September 2008. Participants were asked to create an item - or items - for a Mother/baby contest, with a maximum of two entries per person to allow for baby boys and baby girls!
Participating members have all donated their competition entries to the HOST store and these have all now been listed for sale in a special new Mother/Baby contest category.
HOST members have a wide variety of craft skills, and this is certainly reflected in the range of items entered. Each of the entries is showcased below for you to view, or you can visit the HOST store to read about them in more detail.
We would like your help to choose our competition winner! Please make your choices for first, second, and third place, and vote by leaving your comments here on the blog, or convo us with your choices privately via the HOST store.
Voting will close at 12 noon - Etsy time - on Sunday 5 October 2008 and the winners will be announced here the same afternoon!
Don't forget: these competition entries are all available to purchase through the HOST shop, and as with all HOST sales, the proceeds will be used to help Etsians in need.
If you need a Mother/baby gift - or if you are tempted to do some early Christmas shopping - now is the perfect time to visit HOST, where your gift will go even further :)
Note: click on each photo to view a image, or follow the Etsy link to view the item directly in the HOST store...
Feline "FEED ME" bib, donated by DownTheStreet
Five Star bib, donated by DownTheStreet

Hot baby butt pants, donated by LazyButtPants
Loveable lavender baby beanie, donated by CrochetMaggie
Too cute little pumpkin baby hat, donated by KnitrGal
Dancing dragonfly earrings for Mother, donated by maisyh
Oh, for those of you who are wondering... there are no prizes! We all did it for the love and extra team hugs :)
And by the way...
...the next HOST competition is already open and Etsy-wide participation is invited! Now is your chance to get extra creative and push your own creativity beyond your usual comfort zone.
Details will be announced here shortly but for now, you can read all about it and register your interest in participating here:
Falling into Fall!
- 25% off Gift Baskets
- 25% off Tinctures
- 20% off Non Medicinal Teas
- 15% off Medicinal Teas
- 10% off Incense (except Sample Packs)
- 10% off all other items in the shop
Lavender invites you to visit her shop and SAVE SOME HOLIDAY CASH by getting your gift shopping done early, at discounted prices!
All orders can be gift wrapped, with a gift card, at no extra charge.
Items can also be shipped direct to the gift recipient, if required.
Purchase $100 or more and receive a $25 Visa Gift Card!
Also ALL purchases will be entered into Lavender's monthly drawing for $25 gift certificate to my shop.
Please pay with "other" at checkout and await your revised invoice.
Please add "FALL SALE" in the comments box at checkout for another Free Gift!

HOST - the new look
Once the design was ready, Maura and I uploaded the new banners simultaneously to the HOST shop and blog and then announced the new SURPRISE look to fellow HOST members in our weekly chat thread... Here is the current one if you'd like to stop by:
We are all thrilled with our new look - please leave us your comments and let us know what you think too! Oh, and if you'd like a new banner for yourselves, just get in touch with Maura through her Etsy shop LiliMava .
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Cute clay creations
Happy pumpkin beads -
If you like Melanies' new shop, you might like to know that her banner was created by Maura, of LiliMava. Do check out Maura's super shop if you are considering a change of banner, or avatar, amongst other things!
PROMOTION PACK offer for Etsy sellers
Dee would like to collate some PROMOTION PACKS from Etsy sellers and is inviting sellers to send her any promotional items of their choice.
Items can include business cards, samples, promo offer codes - you choose what you would like to contribute, and how many!
The first event is not too distant now, and Dee will need time to collate the PROMOTION PACKS, so if you would like to participate, please convo Dee via her Etsy shop thegypsyjewels to sort out the details!
Thanks for such a super offer and opportunity Dee!!
Play with Fire and get one FREE!
- Offer applies to all items in the BOGO category of the shop
- You pay for the higher priced item, plus shipping
- Checkout using the "other" payment option and wait for an amended PayPal invoice
- OR purchase items as normal and your second item will be refunded via PayPal

Welcome back Maggie!
- FREE shipping in the US
- FREE shipping to Canada
- $1 shipping for most other destinations
Maggie will be adding new items throughout this weekend, so do heart her shop and keep checking back!

This re-opening SALE also coincides with Maggie's Etsy-versary, so everyone at HOST would like to wish Maggie a very Happy and Prosperous Etsy-versary!!!
End of Summer SALE
The SALE runs from 19 September to 1 October at 12 midnight PST, and this is what is on offer:
- Buy one item and get 50% off a second item (offer excludes incense)
- All incense is now 10% off (except the sample packs)
- All gift baskets have $5 off the listed prices
- You will receive a FREE tea or incense sample with your order
Please put your choice of tea or incense in 'notes to seller' comments box at checkout.
From now until 5 October, every order placed will be entered into a drawing for a $25 GIFT CERTIFICATE to spend in LavenderDragonHerbs.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Welcome back Quirky!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
The World's Greatest Garage Sale!
Best wishes to HOSTie Debbie of soulinchains who has a stall at the World's Greatest Garage Sale today.
The sale is organised by The Monroe County Fair and Recreation Association and is taking place at the Fair and Expo Center, Rochester, New York.
Opening hours for the public are from 8am to 3pm and you will find directions here...
Debbie has kindly offered to donate 20 per cent of her sales proceeds to HOST, to use to help Etsians in need.
Have a fun and fabulous day, soulinchains... and lots and lots of sales!!!
Don't forget to take a look at the wonderful Etsian's shop at Debbie makes the most delightful scarves and mini bags (for which you will find a million and one uses!).
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Happy Etsy Birthday EFA!
EFA is a team of about 500 people from all over the world, and most members donate a portion of their monthly sales to animal charities. The EFA team shop - much like the HOST shop - is stocked with items contributed by many artists and each month, the proceeds from the shop go EFA's chosen 'Charity of the Month'. Currently the team are in the process of trying to make EFA a not-for-profit organization.
EFA is celebrating its Etsy Birthday this month and to celebrate, team members are working together to get more exposure not only for member shops but for the EFA team shop and the team's worthwhile causes. The EFA Birthday Bash promotion runs from September 15-30 and our HOST member, artbysusmitha, will be participating along with over 120 other EFA member shops! Participating EFA members are offering a 20% discount in the form of a coupon that can be used in any participating shop. For a full list of member shops participating in this fantastic Birthday offer, just follow this link to the EFA website:
Susmitha says:
All you have to do to use the coupon is put "EFA Birthday Bash coupon code SUSMI" in the notes to seller for ANY participating shop and then either wait for a revised invoice or pay and get a refund. There will be different codes for every shop keeper so we can keep track of who brings the most people to the sale (the winner gets a special prize from EFA - $50 will be donated to their favorite charity, mine is the Visakha SPCA Cow Sanctuary, so if I'm the first person you've heard about this from then use my code in any participating stores but if you got someone else's code first, then use theirs. Oh and feel free to pass my code on to anyone else you know who might enjoy this sale. Don't hesitate to contact me - - if you have any questions.
If you would like to read more about the charities that EFA supports, just follow this link to the press release on the new EFA Website for all the information about the team's contributions to various animal charities in the last year...
HOST would like to wish EFA a Happy Birthday, and great success with your Birthday Bash!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Fairy Tale Sweepstakes
There are seven different 'Handmade Kids' categories to vote in and our Drew has her wonderfully whimsical fairy hoods under TWO different categories:
- Eco-Friendly, and
- Clothing
Voting closes on September 8, 2008 at 11:59pm EDT - so go check out the sweepstake NOW if you haven't voted already - and chance your luck at winning one of fourteen $350 Etsy Shopping Sprees! To review all of the finalists and categories, follow this Etsy link while it is still active:
Care to SHOP or BUMP?
- LavenderDragonHerbs
- melaniesoriginals
- dkjewels
- a promo for our PW ad-boxes on this blog!
These are the threads... Do take a look at these sellers' terrific Etsy shops if you don't know them already - or post to help keep the promos afloat! You can always heart the shops to visit later :)
For LavenderDragonHerbs:
For melaniesoriginals: and
For dkjewels:
And finally, for our PW ad-boxes:
Thank you for looking!
Got a few spare minutes to play and feed the world?
FreeRice is... a website committed to the cause of ending hunger around the world. While it is not a registered non-profit organization, it is run entirely for free and makes no profit. All money raised by the site goes to the UN World Food Program to help feed the hungry. Sponsors make all payments to the UN World Food Program directly.
The rice that you donate is distributed by the United Nations World Food Program (WFP). WFP is the world’s largest food assistance agency, working with over 3,000 other organizations in over 75 countries. In addition to providing food, WFP helps hungry people to become self-reliant so that they escape hunger for good. Wherever possible, WFP buys food locally to support local farmers and the local community. Please visit the WFP website to learn more at
The UN World Food Program (WFP) works around the globe and FreeRice donations are made with no restrictions. This freedom of use allows WFP to apply the donations to countries that need it most, often those that don’t make the headlines in the news, yet where chronic hunger continues unchecked. Often WFP is able to purchase the rice in the very countries where the beneficiaries are located, cutting down on the transport time to reach the hungry and helping to stimulate local economies at the same time.
The first FreeRice donations have gone to purchase rice:
- In Bangladesh, to feed 27,000 refugees from Myanmar for two weeks. Please click here to watch FreeRice being distributed in Bangladesh.
- In Cambodia, to provide take-home rations of four kilograms of rice for two months to 13,500 pregnant and nursing women.
- In Uganda, to feed 66,000 school children for a week.
- In Nepal, to feed over 108,000 Bhutanese refugees for three days.
- In Bhutan, to feed 41,000 children for over 3 days.
- In Myanmar, to feed 750,000 cyclone affected people for 3 days.
The rice you donate makes a huge difference to the person who receives it. According to the United Nations, about 25,000 people die each day from hunger or hunger-related causes, most of them children. To a mother or father watching a loved child die in their arms from hunger, the rice you donate is more precious than anything in the world.
Please remember that you are not the only one playing FreeRice. Though 20 grains of rice is a small amount, it is important to remember that while you are playing, so are thousands of other people at the same time. It is each and every one of you together that makes the difference. Your 200, 500 or 1,000 grains may not seem like much by itself, but consider that in its first five months, FreeRice generated enough rice to feed more than one million people.
Click on the link and have a go! Even one correct answer gets results, so go for it and have fun :)
Treasured moments - by mcnovelties

Please visit and give them all a click and a comment!
Thank you :)
Sunday, August 31, 2008
HELP... with a click
- You have to care, and
- you have to click!
We would however like to stretch the margins a little further. Many Etsians - HOSTies included - also have deep personal views about supporting worthy causes beyond the obvious. Some of us care deeply about environmental issues; some are dedicated to helping animals; others may support medical-related causes, helping to raise funds or awareness for diseases like cancers, for example. With this in mind, we have added a new feature to our team blog:
HELP... with a click.
All over this blog, we have pasted in links for six worthy, and essential causes that span and affect mankind around the globe. One, or all of these causes will mean something to every person who visits this blog. By searching our blog, you will identify link icons that attempt to address the following:
- Hunger
- Breast Cancer
- Child Health
- Literacy
- The Rainforest
- Animal Rescue
These are in no order of preference or importance, since they are all equally worthy and relevant causes to each of us. Please, help HOST to expand outside the Etsy margins and do more good in arenas that matter to all of us: look for these icons every day and CLICK TO HELP! Choose one icon that has special meaning for you - or choose all of them! Whichever you choose, the important thing is that YOUR CLICKS WILL COUNT!!!
Thank you :)